The GC: Introduction
I’ve been working on Garbage Collectors recently, and I`ll share some of my experiences with them with you on my blog. First off, what is a Garbage Collector? A Garbage Collector, a.k.a GC is an...
View ArticleThe GC: Reference Counter
The simplest form of Garbage Collector is the Reference Counter Garbage Collector. Each time an object is referenced (a pointer to it is made) the reference count on the object is incremented. If the...
View ArticleThe GC: Tracing Garbage
Most Garbage Collectors are tracing. Instead of using Reference Counting, they trace down unused objects (garbage) by tracing from the root set of objects and mark all objects found. Those who weren’t...
View ArticleThe GC: Tracing, reversing pointer to object
The problem Whilest tracing down garbage during the Garbage Collection, as described in earlier posts, it is required to find mark an object pointed to from another object. This could lead to problems...
View ArticleUlrich Drepper on Memory
Kernel hacker Ulrich Drepper has written a lengthy paper on the design and especially performance characteristics of memory of modern consumer hardware and it’s written for programmers. A great read so...
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